In this musical comedy, the trouble begins when a carefree playboy steals the virtue of a young French maiden and is forced to marry her when her...
Honeymoon for Three
In this opera-oriented musical, Riccardo Gatti, an Italian young tenor in Venice, meets a young woman who sneaks into the opera house to try and get...
My Song for You
A young girl is travelling to London to find work. Arriving at the station, she meets a man who has been stabbed by a member of a gang of crooks...
The Green Cockatoo
Road House is a 1934 British comedy crime film directed by Maurice Elvey and starring Violet Loraine, Gordon Harker and Aileen Marson.
Road House
George Winter, a self-made businessman and MP, lets nothing get in the way of his climb to the top. Certain in his belief in the corruptible and...
The Tenth Man
When Sally inherits a country house, her young brother Ronald, an aspiring journalist, hits on a sensational way to make his first big scoop: Sally...
Someone at the Door
The dramatic story of a normal, intelligent man of good principles driven to contemplate thoughts of murder.
Living Dangerously
British crime film directed by Ralph Ince
The Black Mask
The film stars Edmund Gwenn, who plays a chemist, whose son Lawrence (played by Barry MacKay) is attacked on a train. He appears to have shot the man.
Passing Shadows
A wealthy investor in a South African mine is murdered.
The Green Pack
Derwent dreams up an unbreakable alibi for a murder. Once the crime is attempted, it then falls to Pember and Brace of Scotland Yard to sort things...
Ten Minute Alibi
The manager of a gambling club tries to swindle the owner.
The Way of Youth
A wife tries to prevent her husband, a miner, from gambling away the money he receives as an inheritance.
Spring Handicap
Lucky Loser
The Merry Men of Sherwood
A joyful medley of farce, romance, song and slapstick starring Stanley Lupino as an impressionable youth whose pursuit of an opera singer’s...
Facing The Music
A model inherits a great deal of money and pretends to be a movie star.
Heads We Go