The story of the friendship of four young men namely Ucok, Rafly, Joko and Chisa. Due to an incident, those who originally wanted to achieve their...
Anak Medan
A young woman with a troubled past turns to religion as she seeks purpose in life — and a chance at finding true love.
172 Days
Lela, a mortician, finds something odd about the body of her mother who died suddenly. Trapped in sacred tension and a tense horror journey, Lela...
The Corpse Washer
Ana is surprised by the presence of a new student named Alister. He believes that Alister is his childhood friend who has been separated from him for...
Teluk Alaska
Keysa is assigned to persuade Naufan, a former swimming athlete, to return to school.
Cool Boy vs Cool Girl
A demon terrorize high school student for their irresponsible action.
After School Horror 2