This film tells the path of transformation since the childhood of a woman imprisoned in the body of a man and her slow and painful journey. A story...
Due to a broken getaway car, three Russian jewel thieves are forced to take shelter in an empty Viennese coffee house. They knock out the waiter and...
Carnival of Waiters
René desperately needs a new haircut before he flies to New York. When he discovers a mysterious Viennese hairdressing salon, his initial joy...
Salon Styx
While trying to sneak his way into the Austrian film academy, Peskador is caught by two watchmen who start questioning him. Fortunately for him, he...
The Sound of Peskador
Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after years of captivity. But the Vienna he...
Norman is living a happy life with his family when strangers kidnap him and his wife Kala and shoot one of his children dead. When he regains...
Menschen mit Latexhänden
A journey to an unknown star, a children's theatre play, an untalented writer and the fear of becoming the worst version of oneself. A mixture of...
Ground Control
The god-like Schlager star Hansy Vordermeer captivates his fans – especially the passionate drinker Ferdi. To get closer to his great idol, who...
Somewhere in Texas (a star to be)