A film crew working on a 48 Hour Film project in Detroit goes missing. Some found footage surfaces on a SD card and tells the gruesome tale of what...
Lost in Detroit
It follows Kathy, a food critic in New York City. Her parents ask her to come home for Christmas, and there she meets a handsome police officer,...
Christmas at the Holly Hotel
After winning a thousand dollars in gold in a boxing match, Jack Mackenzie and his wolf-dog trek south on a journey in hunt of a suitable wife.
Jack London’s Son of the Wolf
A group of friends return home with a friend to help him share a secret only to learn that sometimes older secrets are even more deadly.
Alice travels west along with a ruthless bounty hunter in search of her lost husband.
The actual DOG LADY ISLAND is located in Monroe Michigan and has been the location of horrible tragedies for many years as Detective Michael James is...
The Legend of Dog Lady Island
Life long friends Wess, Cooper and Theo head out for their annual camping trip. As things seem to be going as planned they're confronted with the...
After twenty years of separation, Jake and Joe's mom dies a millionaire in Greece, leaving a will to give her sons a chunk of her inheiritance, only...
45 Days to Be Rich
A military veteran who returns home, works in law enforcement and she's assigned to a supernatural case that's surrounded by urban myth and legend.
Devil's Night: Dawn of the Nain Rouge