Following the popular 2012 drama series of the same name, this movie welcomes back the huge, chaotic family of Haj Iskandar, his wife Mak Jah, his...
Keluarga Iskandar
It tells the story of three siblings namely Jep, Shuib and Mamat who lost their parents. Yet despite the absence of the parents, they are left with a...
Lemang Aidilfitri Si Bujang Sepah
Hooperz tells the story of a group of young girls who plays for their netball team. The variation of characters and backgrounds of the team players...
The movie begins when Opie finds a letter from Anizah saying that she wants to marry her boyfriend, Fazley, and has buried her dreams to continue her...
Dunia Baru The Movie
The story of the sacrifice of a wife who is waiting for death. Eva was diagnosed with cancer in order to return to the past to prevent the love...
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