Based on the real story of Clara Harris, the Houston, Texas dentist who made headlines in July 2002 when she killed her adulterous husband by...
Suburban Madness
A bunch of college kids accidentally unleash an evil curse that causes people to kill themselves and turn into Zombie Demons, aka ZEMONS!
Dead Before Dawn
Love is a battlefield when a superhero neglects his girlfriend and relationship for his work.
Hell Hath No Fury
An average family is thrust into the spotlight after the father commits a seemingly self-defense murder at his diner.
A History of Violence
Gypsy Creek's # 1 cop, Charles Gravytrain believes in three things: Truth, Justice, and slapping the no good crook Jimmy Fish Eye's in the slammer...
Five paranormal investigators venture into the infamous Farhope Tower, known for its dark history of unexplained suicides, with dreams of landing a...
Farhope Tower
This hilarious genre-bending comedy follows Gary Brewer, along with girlfriend Holly Brewer (no relation), and best friend Trevor Morehouse as Gary...
Rock, Paper, Scissors: The Way of the Tosser
A traumatic event sends a musician back to her hometown in an effort to reunite with the daughters she abandoned. To do so, she must confront her...
Because of his salacious language, late-night radio advice-show host Leon Phelps, along with his sweet and loyal producer Julie, is fired from his...
The Ladies Man
A young woman comes to in a roadside diner with no idea where she is or how she got there. Split between two timelines, she gets taken on a violent...