In New York, a surly, down-on-his-heels playwright meets a country girl who's giving up trying to act and returning home. He goes with her for...
Main Street to Broadway
Leonard Nimoy is "Kid" Monk Baroni, the leader of a street gang who becomes a professional boxer to escape his life in "Little Italy" New York.
Kid Monk Baroni
An heiress searches for true love while vacationing in Brazil.
Latin Lovers
A group of sailors invest in a musical revue.
Three Sailors and a Girl
Grainbelt University has one attraction for Dobie Gillis - women, especially Pansy Hammer. Pansy's father, even though and maybe because she says...
The Affairs of Dobie Gillis
Two American G.I.s visiting Tokyo find themselves mixed up with espionage, a pretty flight attendant, a mad scientist, geisha girls, and a goofy...
Geisha Girl
Bill Benson and Ted Adams are to appear in a Broadway show together and, while in Paris, each 'discovers' the perfect leading lady for the plum...
Anything Goes