Untitled comedy film by Raja Chanda
The plot revolves around Pinky (Ayoshi Talukdar)’s wedding in Kolkata.
Amrapali follows the story of three young friends—Ayan, Payel, and Kabir—who navigate love, life, and friendship amidst the political...
Three shallow, dumbass friends, Samya, Nitin, and Ayan, decide to go on a fun trip to Thailand. However, trouble ensues when they get caught up with...
Thai Curry
Ratul, a village boy, has set out to make an Oscar-nominated film after dreaming about the award calling his name. What follows next is an absolute...
Based on the novel Magno Mainak by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay, the film portrays the iconic Bengali detective Byomkesh Bakshi along with his friend...
Satyanweshi Byomkesh
An adventurous romantic comedy in which Bonny is opposite Ayoshi and Soham opposite Koushani.
Hirokgorer Hire
Soham has a little girl Mishti who misses her mother a lot and sometimes becomes violent when she can’t handle the stress. So, the...
Haar Mana Haar
Is love in 2022 different to that of 1990s?
Archir Gallery
A situation brings two couples at loggerheads with each other in London.
Sayantan Ghosal's untitled social comedy drama
An overprotective grandfather doesn’t let his granddaughter date anyone. Things take a hilarious turn when she finds her Mr. Perfect, which...
Dadur Kirti
A young man is torn between his girlfriend and another woman who is a rape victim as he extends a helping hand to her and fights for justice.
Harano Prapti
Ebar Jombe Moja is a 2017 Bengali comedy film starring Ishan Majumder, Aviraj, Prithwiraj Banerjee, Sanghamitra Roy and Ujjaini Banerjee. Three...
Ebar Jombey Moja