Hostel is 2013 teenage Nepalese film directed by new director Hemraj Bc. and produced by Sunil Rawal under Durgish Films banner. The film debuted the...
Based on true events of the mysterious death of CPN-UML leader Madan Bhandari in Dashdhunga, Nepal.
Crime film.
The movie 'Seto Bagh' is set during the last days of Jung Bahadur Rana following his death and then the start of conspiracies within the Rana family...
Seto Bagh
The movie ‘Shankar’ released in 1997 was a super hit movie of the time. The movie established the image of Rajesh Hamal as Shankar. was a...
A story about the life of a teacher who always preaches his students to be a good person in life.
Manavi father forces her to get married to his billionaire partner's son so they can become the richest person in Nepal,at the marriage Manavi runs...
Kasle Choryo Mero Man
After releasing from prison a criminal (Sunil Thapa) looks for revenge on a women who he had a crush on but than he hears the news about she been...