The Prius Boss is a sequel to the 2013 Micron Boss, which ends with the main characters of the previous film, Chicken, Baaya, and Bald, becoming...
Boss of Prius
Amra is growing up in the Mongolian steppe between herds of goats and YouTube videos. His hopes and dreams revolve around someday performing onstage...
Veins of the World
The film tells the story of a young pickpocket named Ganbolor who accidentally loses his sight when he is hit by a car. The owner of the car is a...
Rashaant 18
It tells the story of the most unforgettable period in everyone's life - the fun and excitement of love and true friendship during student life....
Master's degree of Love
A minibus driver and conductor damages a rich guy’s car and get into debt.
The Minibus Boss
This film shows what a friend really is and how valuable they are depending on when and in what ways they are revealed. When Sanchir, who spent part...
Based on a novel by French author Pierre Chenault, this film criticizes how Mongolian nature is deteriorating in this society, as a rich man who sold...
"Fate 1" tells the story of the true friendship, love and sorrow of three friends Suldee, Nandin and Zaya, who have been friends since childhood....
Fate 2