A heart-warming story about a former dressmaker who reinvents herself after befriending a young Chinese fashion designer, who inspires her to follow...
A Stitch in Time
Tony Petersen, a married electrician and ex-footballer, goes to university to study English. Petersen is odd man out at the uni. He receives...
Jock Petersen
A young man in a depressed satellite city, meets a woman who offers him love and hope.
Crime of the Decade
And just when you believe there is nothing more to fear, you will begin to experience the ultimate terror of the END PLAY.
End Play
Teenage boy from a small village learns that he is in fact the secret twin brother of the current corrupt king of France. The four musketeers ask him...
The Man in the Iron Mask
Before shady businessman John Singer disappeared off Bondi Beach, his name meant money--big and small, clean and dirty--a man absorbed in a world of...
The Empty Beach
When British Intelligence, following a series of experiments designed to increase alertness of long-distance lorry drivers through use of tonal...
As Australian cinema broke through to international audiences in the 1970s through respected art house films like Peter Weir's "Picnic At Hanging...
Not Quite Hollywood
At her birthday party, Lindy wishes she knew her actual birth date. But only her real parents would know, and they're both dead. Or so she believes.
On Loan
During a Ouija board session with her teenaged friends, 16-year-old Alison gets a message from beyond the grave not to go home for her birthday three...
Alison's Birthday