A contemporary high school girl hears voices and sees visions like Joan of Arc. She is torn between her commitment to a long-lost first love and her...
Echoes of Innocence
The impressionistic story of a Texas family in the 1950s. The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of...
The Tree of Life
An unforgiving sun, a parched earth, and a failed economy have left a small Texas town desolate. For ten years Promise, Texas has known nothing but...
I Am Gabriel
After accidentally breaking a prized possession owned by her grandfather, a goody two shoes graduate goes to questionable lengths to try to recover...
Beauty for Ashes
In the autumn of 1900, outlaw Claude Barbee puts his 'retirement plan' in action, attempting to lead his train-robbing gang across Texas to recover a...
Kill or Be Killed
Latchkey kids lose touch when one of them moves away, only to reconnect years later without realizing it, having changed their names to escape their...
Trying to avoid jail time from credit card fraud, Price, at the advice of his cousin, hides out at a college fraternity. There's only one thing his...
Sweet Hideaway
A woman not married to the President runs for First Lady, but she winds up getting a better proposal than she ever expected. First Lady is a classic...
First Lady