The British governor of a tiny island nation in the Caribbean Commonwealth finds his idyllic existence thrown into chaos when an American drilling...
This "heist" film tells the story of a robbery in a stadium during the Le Mans 24 hour motorcycle race. Throughout the film are constant references...
Two turn of the Century fortune hunters (Peter Graves and Cameron Mitchell) discover oil in Persia and attempt to claim it. Serious resistance is met.
The Guns and the Fury
Following his release from a seven-year stretch in prison, Mario Diccara discovers that his affairs with the underworld aren't completely settled....
A former CIA agent is forced by crooked agents of the government to pose as a notorious smuggler of the Tangier Straits who happens to be a stiff
A new international terrorist group attack the castle of an Austrian prince during his party, but one of the guests, a contractor, deals with them....
Eye of the Widow
An evil caliph (Christopher Lee) offers his daughter’s hand in marriage to a prince if he can complete a perilous quest for a magical rose....
Arabian Adventure
The destinies of five young women from all over the world intertwine in Paris as they embark on a roller-coaster ride of extremes in their search for...
Shanghai Belle
Mild-mannered Clark Kent works as a reporter at the Daily Planet alongside his crush, Lois Lane. Clark must summon his superhero alter-ego when the...
Two ex-hitmen are reunited to do one last job, sent to the sinniest of all sin cities - Bangkok, to terminate the Beast from the East, the most...
The Bangkok Job
L'art des Thanatier
Lisa, a little ten-year-old girl, lives in a remote house with her parents and two brothers. Her father, a violent man, domineers over his family,...
A village cricket match on the lawn of a great country house - a traditional setting for the perfect English murder. A natural case for the Yard's...
A Cotswold Death
Hotshot gambler Jake Green is long on bravado and seriously short of common sense. Rarely is he allowed in any casino because he's a bona fide winner...
This French prison drama focuses on a penitentiary inmate known as the Mute, who either cannot or will not speak, even though he can apparently hear...
The Slammer