This epic Brazilian film was based on the equally epic novel by Antonio Callado. Set between 1954 and 1964, the film's focus is the saga of Jesuit...
After diving into a shallow lake, a college student becomes tetraplegic. In his wheel chair, he remembers the important facts of his life as an...
Feliz Ano Velho
A talent scout brings a young singer to São Paulo, intent on introducing her to a renowned conductor. As they wait for the day of the...
In the small town of Taperoá João Grilo and confusion Chicó live setting, addressing a sacristan and a humble baker. Everyone...
Os Trapalhões no Auto da Compadecida
A photo-journalist goes to Brazil to investigate a savage crime boss. She becomes infatuated with the story.
Fictional story based on Sarah Bernhard's visit to Brazil in 1905. The actress, experiencing a personal and professional crisis at the time, is...
Viva Voz
Henrique can't get over his breakup from Gabriela and, even a year later, he's so devastated that he can't get excited about anything or anyone else....
Não Tem Volta
Filmed over a five-year period, Chronically Unfeasible dissects Brazilian problems, using six people who meet in a restaurant in São Paulo as...
Chronically Unfeasible
Oswaldo Cruz, o Médico do Brasil
Boca de Ouro
A group of friends in Sao Paulo see each other regularly in different venues of this huge metropolis, and act as their own de-facto family. They are...
Até Que a Vida nos Separe
The writer Pia and the painter Gil live by the Rio Negro deep in the Amazon jungle. One night, during a lunar eclipse, Pia is murdered. Her death...
Trama Familiar
Vênus de Fogo