Maryada was a Bengali drama film directed by Digambar Chattopadhyay. This movie was released on 15 December 1950 under the banner of Bhabani...
Tenida, along with his three friends Kyabla, Habool and Pyala, embarks on a journey to Dooars and tries to stop poachers and terrorists from creating...
While at a felicitation ceremony, Feluda, a detective, meets Joychand, a simple man who owns a pink diamond. When several buyers set their eyes on...
Golapi Mukta Rahasya
Ambar Sen, a Bengali comes to Feluda and informs him that he has got threatening mail. Later Mr. Sen is kidnapped. Feluda investigates.
Ambar Sen Antordhan Rahasyo
Feluda alias Pradosh Mitra, a private detective is invited by a rich former Zamindar (and a retired big game hunter) in North Bengal. The task is to...
Royal Bengal Rahasya
The film tells a mythological story about the child Dhruva who in utmost devotion towards Lord Vishnu, ultimately finds a place in sky as the...
Lalmohan Ganguly, alias Jatayu − a sidekick of Feluda − gets invited to Mumbai (previously Bombay) to watch the shooting of a film based...
Bombaiyer Bombete
A hunter-cum-psychologist wants to publish a book about three of his patients who committed crimes in the past, but did not get caught. However, he...
Dr. Munshir Diary
By accident, more than anything else, the three find themselves beside the grave of Thomas Godwin. The grave was dug up by some miscreants for...
Gorosthane Sabdhan
Detective Feluda, with the help of his nephew Topshe and the writer Jatayu, investigates smuggling and illegal trading in ancient sculptures across...
Kailashey Kelenkari
Feluda, the famous Bengali detective tackles an international buyer, a corrupt arts agent, numerous henchmen and impostors in this story that...
Tintorettor Jishu
Shakthi is a politician's chauffeur who is always misunderstood by his father and his love interest, Manasi. As he is uneducated and struggles to...
With his hard-work and patience, a virtuous boy overcomes the harshness of the world.
The film commences by showing a happy and united family, consisting of Nabab, his father, grandfather, elder brother and sister-in-law (who was...
Macho Mustanaa
The story of a relationship between a wealthy widow and a frivolous young girl.
The Holy Island
When a group of five old men decide to escape from dull lives, one of them, who is a bachelor, refuses to be a partisan. However, they bring in a...
Abelay Garam Bhat
A 1954 Bengali Drama Film directed by Bholanath Mitra, featuring Mahanayak Uttam Kumar.
Ananda, an upcoming writer leaves his village to pursue his writing career in Kolkata
Dui Bon
The trio of Feluda, Jatayu, and Tapesh have been invited to Panihati to investigate the case of Jahangir's missing gold coin. The client, Shankar...
Jahangirer Swarnamudra
A young director listens to a hilariously scary story narrated by a stranger, where a group of ghosts try to save the only place they can haunt in...
Bhooter Bhabishyat