Film starring Biju Phukan and Bidya Rao.
The story revolves around a wealthy businessman who opts for a second marriage. This decision creates a huge shock and anger for his first wife and...
Set in the tea plantations of Assam in northeast India, where a young woman quits her studies to marry a wealthy man whom her father owes money. The...
Dr. Bezbarua is a 1969 Assamese language thriller film, the first film of this genre in the language, directed by Brajen Barua and produced by...
Dr. Bezbarua
Manab, an artist, a free-mind, is in the hospital, struggling for his life. He is an orphan, but the love of his life, Puja, is beside him. Being his...
Vikram Baruah, an honest police officer takes on a cold blooded son of a rich man, Rahul Bejboruah.
Directed by Nip Barua. With Chetana Das, Amala Katarki, Biju Phukan, Bidya Rao.
Ajali Nabou
Directed by Ramesh Modi. With Gayatri Mahanta, Biju Phukan, Jatin Bora, Ravi Sharma.
Deuta Diya Bidai
Anthony, an orphan baby, is raised by a priest at the church. However, he grows up to be a gang leader who robs from the rich and gives to the poor.
Antony Mur Naam