Dirty Harry Callahan returns again, this time saddled with a rookie female partner. Together, they must stop a terrorist group consisting of angry...
The Enforcer
A middle-aged fisherman and a young college co-ed fall in love with each other.
Voyage of the Heart
A Vietnam veteran suffering from post traumatic stress disorder breaks out of a VA hospital and goes on a road trip with a sympathetic traveler to...
Marty and Speed are middle-aged San Francisco cabbies who hack to support their fading dream of making it as professional actors. Perpetually down on...
Signal Seven
A newly-developed microchip designed by Zorin Industries for the British Government that can survive the electromagnetic radiation caused by a...
A View to a Kill
The "Missing Heart Murders" are plaguing San Francisco - dead bodies that turn up with their hears surgically removed! So a weak-stomached homicide...
Cardiac Arrest