The film, based on Indira Goswami's Dontal Haatir Uiye Khuwa Haoda, is set in 1940s Assam. Three widows struggle to lead dignified lives despite the...
The Flight
Pokhi (Assamese: পখী) is an Assamese language drama film directed by Jahnu Barua. It was released in 1998 as is the second...
With this ecological drama, Assam’s leading director Jahnu Barua continues exploring the conflict between corrupt state politics and a...
The story is set in 1962, the time of Sino-India war. It revolves around a widowed teacher named Ritu who is transferred to Koronga, a small Assamese...
Jeeya Jurir Xubax is a 2014 Assamese language drama film written and directed by Sanjib Sabhapandit. It was produced by Utpal Kumar Das and features...
Jeeya Jurir Xubax
Shekhar Kapur`s directorial venture depicts the scenario many years into the future, where the earth`s water supply has run-out and the events and...
Dandeswar and Hkawni, both age 73, arrive in Mumbai to look for their beloved grandson - the only other living member of the family who has been...
Konikar Ramdhenu is an Assamese language film directed by Jahnu Barua. It was released in 2003. The film was shown in Indian Panorama section of IFFI...
Konikar Ramdhenu
Powal is a boatman in Nemuguri village that is situated on the bank of the river Dihing. Since there is no bridge at that point of the river, Powal's...
It's a Long Way to the Sea
Story of an ideal teacher, who leads a group of youth and through education, inspires them to fight against corrupted politicians and administration.
Karma Ke Rati
About how a man, in the final stages of his life, reflects back on his life through what is happening in the present.He sees how he is adversely...
Man with the Binoculars
Bhoga Khidikee is a 2018 Assamese drama film directed by Jahnu Barua. It was the opening film of 2nd Guwahati International Film Festival. The film...
Bhoga Khirikee
A romantic comedy film directed Rajesh Bhuyan, starring Nayan Nilim in the lead role.
Konwarpurar Konwar
Manab, an artist, a free-mind, is in the hospital, struggling for his life. He is an orphan, but the love of his life, Puja, is beside him. Being his...
Vikram Baruah, an honest police officer takes on a cold blooded son of a rich man, Rahul Bejboruah.
Two brothers unknowingly falls in love with the same girl. But one of them is uncompromising.
Bahniman is an Assamese movie starring Yashpal Sharma in a prominent role. A gangster and a police inspector go against each other in a war for power...
Ambika, little Ishu's favourite aunt, has gone missing after the evil village quack has declared her as a witch. Will Ishu get her back
Directed by Achinta Shankar. With Amrita Gogoi, Aimee Baruah, Diganta Hazarika, Bishnu Kharghoria.Reviews, Showtimes, DVDs, Photos, Message Boards,...
Indra left from his house with his wife Jonali after an argument with his brother Netra. What happens next?
Joonbai 2
Radha, an orphan who grows up to be a rebellious student, with the help of her childhood friend Rajat, tackles issues that have been plaguing their...
Jetuka Paator Dore