The film is based on the biography of Valeri Chkalov (1904 - 1938), a Russian pilot, who set several long distance flight records. Chkalov and his...
Wings of Victory
A young journalist is sent to the region to prepare her thesis. Here the heroine will have to independently publish several issues of the newspaper,...
The Precious Seed
Adventures of the medicine professor during reserve duty.
60 Days
A 1945 Soviet war film which, along with the second part of Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible was harshly criticized by Andrei Zhdanov and banned. A...
Simple People
The final part of trilogy about the life of a young factory worker, Maxim. Following the Russian Revolution, Maksim is appointed state commissar in...
The Vyborg Side
A man invites people to a dinner party, but a dream and his forgetfulness get in the way.
Dinner Party
Zakhar Psaltyrev went through many ordeals in the royal fleet, where massacres and bullying of people became a custom. Only thanks to his natural...
Captain of the First Rank
Film adaptation of The Golovlyov Family ("Господа...
Yudishka Golovlyov
The eve of the 1905 Russian revolution was unquiet at the Skrobotova and Bardin factory. In response to the fair demand of the workers to dismiss the...