From the life of one of the leading Kuban horse breeding collective farms. Veterinarian Mitrich, a disguised enemy who follows all the instructions...
At the "Pupky" station, an opportunity occurs: two illegal passengers - guinea pigs - have to be disembarked from one of the trains, since animals...
Pigs Will Be Pigs
«Богатырь» идёт в Марто
Year 1648. Ukraine under the oppression of Poland. Polish nobility committing outrage, burning villages one after another. Hetman of Zaporozhian...
Bogdan Khmelnitskiy
A comedy about the happy life of Ukrainian collective farmers. Harvesting in one of the Ukrainian collective farms. The tractor driver Pavlo and the...
Rich Bride
The old nunnery owns the best lands. Nuns rent out the land to local rich men, and exploiting peasants they have a wealthy life. The peasants live in...
Behind the Monastery Wall
Squadron No. 5
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