The Bannister family including former K-9 police hero Zeus (voiced by Mario López) is back, and this time they're spending their holidays at a...
The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation
While being interrogated by a police psychiatrist, the near-catatonic Tabitha tries to explain why she and two of her childhood friends are being...
Zeus (voiced by Joey Lawrence) and the Bannister family have moved into a new home just in time for Halloween! When Zeus and George (Gary Valentine...
The Dog Who Saved Halloween
Alienated teen Pauline struggles with the pressures of fitting into high school, pleasing her mother and a burning desire to lose her virginity. With...
In the tradition of a classic "A Christmas Carol", this film offers many lessons on the importance of giving and the cause and effect our choices...
By God's Grace
A traveling couple end up in an abandoned Nebraska town inhabited by a cult of murderous children who worship a demon that lives in the local...
Children of the Corn