Her husband's health suddenly devastated by a terminal bone disease, a desperate young woman finds her search for alternative treatment leading to...
Bone Sickness
The story is about Bookwalker, once a useless bum, now turned zombie killer and raider hunter. The story is set in CrittersVille where there is a...
Zombies from Sector 9
A man loses both his wife and their new baby in the delivery room. In an attempt to contact his wife on the other side, he turns to the occult,...
The story is about David Gates, a cryptozoologist who is hired to film his investigations. One of them being a mysterious town where all of its...
Cryptic Plasm
Ninety nine percent of the worlds has been destroyed by a bio-chemical war. Technology is obsolete and the soil has been polluted leaving people with...
Blood Pigs
A young couple who has been trying desperately to have a baby seek an alternative solution to their problem. Unable to afford regular surgery, they...
Three friends decide to try to make S&M films but their distributor is unhappy with the product and drops them. Desperate for money, Max makes a deal...
Dead Girl on Film
Misty, the Mummy Raider (Misty Mundae) must battle an evil Neo Nazi scientist (Ruby Larocca) and an ancient, powerful mummy (Rich George) trying to...
Mummy Raider
Stephen and Ian are ruthless drug lords who are in the middle of a war with their rival Billy Rae Douglas. One night Stephen and Ian escort two girls...
At Dawn They Sleep
Horror film directed by Brian Paulin.
Abysmal Purgatory
Delves into the history of the most extreme and shocking films that have ever been made. chronicles the timeline of Red Films: those films that are...
Beyond Horror: The History and Sub-Culture of Red Films
Three men meet in a secluded barn in the country to fulfill a contact each one signed fifteen years ago to enrich their lives. Their task simple,...
Morbid Tales