Widowed Lisa's stable life unravels when her aspiring teen actress daughter falls under a suspicious Hollywood acting coach's spell. Lisa embarks on...
My Acting Coach Nightmare
After a car accident leaves her boyfriend in a coma, April’s panic attacks return and make her life a living hell. However, once she accepts...
You'll Never Leave Me
Pastry chef Helena poisons men who don't meet her high standards. Her fiancé Charlie has nothing to worry about, at least until his sister...
Deadly Vows
Katherine refuses to fall for playboy Drew Evan's tactical skills to seduce her, making him desire her more.
Video release consisted of 21 season's episodes 17, 18, 19, 20. Heroic teens Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia, and Jake have defended our planet countless times...
Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Legendary Battle
A man is sent on a clandestine business trip by a shadowy executive. The details of the journey withheld even from him, the man must follow a series...
Fluorescent Beast
Video release consisted of 21 season's episodes 5, 6, 7, 8. As the fight against evil Prince Vekar's alien Armada gets tougher, the Power Rangers...
Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Silver Warrior
While at a slumber party, twelve-year-old Olivia is blamed for the horrific and mysterious death of her friend after singing a song, created by a...
The Crooked Man
A small-town father is forced to make difficult, heartbreaking decisions in order to save his two daughters.
Walker Payne
When Hardy Buchanan, a senior at an elite private school, needs to make some quick cash, he enlists the help of Bo, a beautiful runaway. Together,...
Hard Sell
After a one-night stand with her coach, a pressured swimming phenom finds the lives of herself and her loved ones in danger.
Killer Coach
A reclusive circus master invites a group of social media stars to his house of haunts. Anyone who can make it out before being scared into...
Circus Kane
The Morning After is a feature film that consists of 8 vignettes that are inter-cut throughout the film. The 8 vignettes are about when you wake up...
The Morning After
An expectant mother befriends a Good Samaritan who saved her life, but is unaware that he is the father of her unborn baby and is "collecting" all of...
Killer Single Dad
At a wilderness camp for troubled youth, two girls Scarlet and Dylan form a bond that gets tested by love, money, and experiences beyond their...
The Experience
A struggling chef living in a trendy New York borough, Jessica took over a small restaurant where she used to work as a waitress, but it’s...
A Christmas Princess
A new twisted story where the predator is trapped at his own game.
The Stranger She Brought Home
Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Legendary Battle is an American superhero film serving as an extended-cut version of the two final episodes from...
Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Legendary Battle Extended Edition