A young boy from the trailer park can't take another moment of ridicule from his family and peers. With support from his beloved dollies, he sets out...
Dolly Deadly
Poverty stricken lovers Eden and Matilda have enough trouble just getting through the days, but when Eden buys a pet spider the real troubles start.
Strange things start to happen to Alicia and her husband Jason after she receives a gift in the mail from her great-Aunt Gwen, is their house haunted...
Blood Curse: The Haunting of Alicia Stone
Have you ever wondered why you root for people to die in movies or why you laugh hysterically when you see someone's head explode? Why does society...
More Blood!
Artist Statement: "Lovesick" is an abstract analysis of idealization, objectification, and the Other; a dark fantasy peering into how we view and...
Set in the dark depths of a strange and mysterious power supply complex, ELLIOT tells the tale of a conflicted humanoid (Elliot) struggling to...