The movie, set in the Israeli 1969 War of Attrition, tells the story of a prestigious military band, and the tensions and ego crises new band members...
The Troupe
“All my movies are personal without being autobiographical,” says Avi Nesher, a filmmaker who combines his personal life and the history...
Noam, a young gay man, discovers that his father, who just died, had a secret affair with a married man. He follows and meets that man. He now holds...
A beautiful young woman moves to Tel Aviv, the big city, falls in love with a married man and does not relate to the nice postal clerk who secretly...
The Cowards
In the easy-going, sexually-liberated 1970's Tel Aviv, three young friends, struggling filmmaker Nati, his impressionable girlfriend Ossi and his...
99 Dizengoff Street
Two young men — a Palestinian grad student and an Israeli lawyer — meet and fall in love amidst personal and political intrigue.
Out in the Dark
An American ambassador to Israel tries to bring peace to the Middle East conflict through unconventional methods, but his efforts are hampered at...
The Ambassador