The Tea Chronicles is a short psychological horror comedy film about tea, written and directed by Charlie McDonnell and Khyan Mansley. It's also my...
The Tea Chronicles
The dark and twisted adventures of Hades, Aubrey and Robin in their hair salon, Hair and Brimstone.
Hair and Brimstone
choo choo! all aboard the forever train!
The Forever Train
A short film about two brothers.
Rocks that Bleed
Mystical creatures from all around the universe travel great distances to stay at Oscar's Hotel. Oliver attempts to team up with some of the hotel's...
Oscar's Hotel for Fantastical Creatures
A story of Toby, his genie and the very last wish...
Friend Like Me
An unsuccessful writer is hailed as a prophet when his novel is discovered by a secret cult.
The Ministry
Ezra finds himself dealing with the loss of his younger brother in a rather unconventional way. On route to the funeral service he (and his bike) are...
A comedian reflects on his bisexuality
Ashens goes on a quest to find the legendary and elusive piece of electronic tech known only as the GameChild.
Ashens and the Quest for the Gamechild
While filming a poorly scripted, low budget zombie film in the woods, a group of YouTubers are attacked by real zombies. Will they survive the zombie...
Super Brainy Zombies
Experience what a date with Wiggles the Clown would be like via immersive VR.
A Date with Wiggles the Clown