JanGo tells the story of two best friends who work in a durian field. One day, they made the decision to leave their hometown for a better life in...
JANGO: Jangan Goyang
Zheng Kai, a successful businessman, suffers an unexpected loss. Angry and frustrated, he goes for a drink. A mysterious taxi driver takes him home,...
The Guest
Set in Petaling Street in 1908, it tells of a hokkien mee seller (Mark Lee) who finds himself entangled in deadly battles with skilled fighters....
Petaling Street Warriors
An elite team of six female rookie police recruits fails to graduate as they resist to retreat in the final test when the situation gets out of hand....
Special Female Force
Boo, Miu and TT each are facing problems with life, friendships and love, and decides to go on their journey to Malaysia due to an attractive pay...
Kick Ass Girls
Spark is a good looking, charming yet a talented guy. His reputation lands him a job in advertising industry that made him a wealthy man. With his...
The Golden Couple