Based on Michel Houellebecq's controversial novel, Atomised (aka The Elementary Particles) focuses on Michael and Bruno, two very different...
The Elementary Particles
Musical film-noir parody about Max Müller, an underemployed private detective who is asked by his beautiful but secretive client, Ingrid...
Müllers Büro
Helden, a village in a secluded, forgotten valley in Tyol. A place where the world is still a happy place, where a simple poache named Max loves poor...
Helden in Tirol
In April of 1945, Germany stands at the brink of defeat with the Russian Army closing in from the east and the Allied Expeditionary Force attacking...
A TV commercial is being prepared and shot. The product to be advertised is a laxative - a synonym for the majority of the acting persons. The...
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