The true-life, stranger-than-fiction tale of eighteenth-century Greek pirate turned merchant Ioannis Varvakis, who rose from humble beginnings to...
God Loves Caviar
The documentary Creative Producer: The Unsung Hero of Greek Cinema explores the role of the producer in the creative process of Greek cinema,...
Creative Producer: The Unsung Hero of Greek Cinema
Three separate narratives each following a love story between a foreigner and a Greek. Each story represents a different generation falling in love...
Worlds Apart
Athens - Greece - The age of Economic crisis Demetris is a highly independent man who lives a normal life. A confirmed bachelor at the age of 33!...
What If...
After a drunken night, three best friends hit a man with their car and then they dump his dead body into a lake. After that night their friendship...
The Three Wishes
One World