Canadian businesswoman Dinah Middleton's is devastated when her teenage son, Alex, is killed by a hit-and-run driver. When the police fail to turn up...
Hitting Home
In the long shadow of an experimental CIA mind control program, Sergeant Kellen O'Reilly begins experiencing violent flashbacks of his...
Malarek is a film directed by Roger Cardinal in 1989. Ex-juvenile offender Victor Malarek catches a break when he's hired as a cub reporter for the...
After the death of her mother, a teenage girl is faced with bizarre supernatural occurrences when her mother's estranged sister arrives and begins to...
The Kiss
Ben Chase is an on-the-rise Boston attorney currently defending a wealthy client in a high-profile murder case. Martin Thiel is the wealthy young man...
Criminal Law
A young woman discovers she is a long lost princess and heir to a throne in her home country.
Shades of Love: The Garnet Princess