A troubled arsonist spins a tale of espionage to a captivating girl, who becomes enthralled and entangled in his dangerous fantasies, leading to...
Pretty Poison
A small-town police chief investigating a murder is offered help by a self-described psychic. However, when the chief discovers that the "psychic" is...
Man on a Swing
A newlywed painter and his wife move into his family's ancestral home and find themselves plagued by spirits of past residents.
Night of Dark Shadows
Dark Shadows: The Haunting of Collinwood is a DVD compilation of episodes 639 to 694, key scenes from which have been edited together to form a three...
Dark Shadows: The Haunting of Collinwood
A New York City probation officer, noted for his sympathy with delinquents, put to a severe test when his daughter falls for a boy whom circumstances...
The Violators
Landmark TV adaptation of the Arthur Miller play. Nominated for 3 Emmy awards.
The Crucible
A college student trying to decide on a career spends the summer before his senior year assisting social workers.
Summer of Decision
A documentary produced by PBS affiliate WNYC as an introduction to the 1987 re-broadcast of the 1960s gothic daytime soap Dark Shadows.
Casting Shadows