In 2041, humans live side-by-side with robots and androids. A well-known cybernetic engineer, Alex Garel, returns to his hometown to create a new...
Zip and Zap, two mischievous twins, were placed in the Esperanza, a school where the games are prohibited. There will found the Club of Marble, child...
Zip & Zap and the Marble Gang
The known world is over, only its ashes remain. In a desperate attempt to reunite their family, Ana and her mother embark on a dangerous journey in...
An old man makes a pact with the devil to once again see the woman he loves... his niece.
The Cage of Death
A twelve-year-old existentialist kid runs away from home to meet his favorite philosopher, Albert Camus, not knowing he has been dead for fifty...
Jean-François and the Meaning of Life
Involved in a very awkward situation at a shopping mall during the Christmas season, Lucía and her sister try to tell his father that they are...
Daddy's Girl