Roberta is a renowned classical pianist battling a chronic kidney disease. However, an unexpected encounter with Father José will forever...
País do Desejo
A man falls in love with a teenage girl, who is exploited by her own grandfather, who sometimes takes her to a gas station to show her naked to...
Bog of Beasts
The quiet life of the small town Piedade's inhabitants is shaken up by the arrival of a big oil company, which barges in taking over houses and local...
The lives of a macho butcher, his wife, a lonely waitress, a sadist and a flophouse manager intersect in Recife, Brazil.
Mango Yellow
An overlook at some urban characters in the city of Recife through their passages in a hotel.
Texas Hotel
"The Dead Girl's Feast" narrates the story of Santinho, a young man who has been exalted to the position of a saint in a remote riverine community of...
The Dead Girl's Feast
Zizo, a radical and anarchist poet living in a marginal quarter of Recife in the north eastern state of Pernambuco, distributes his social...
Rat Fever