Two young women find themselves struggling to survive in Paris, street-wise Nathalie, a stripper, and naïve Sandrine, a barmaid. Together, they...
Secret Things
The complicated life of a wannabe actress who meets an older writer in the midst of a crisis.
Tu vas rire, mais je te quitte
Laura's Paradise
After his wife leaves him, Fred goes on a cross-country crime spree in this dark but dreamy French comedy.
Workers for the Good Lord
L'ombre d'un flic
How Louis XV, a young king loved by his people, sensitive to the artistic and intellectual turmoil of his century (that of the Enlightenment), will...
Louis XV, le Soleil noir
Filmmaker Mitra Farahani portrays love and sex in today’s Iran. One part fiction and one part documentary, the film was shot secretly and is...
Tabous (Zohre & Manouchehr)
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