Set in a timeless mythical forest inhabited by fairies, goblins, unicorns and mortals, this fantastic story follows a mystical forest dweller, chosen...
In World War II era Los Angeles, the manager of the Culver Hotel leaves his nephew in charge for a weekend. The nephew changes the name to the Hotel...
Under the Rainbow
Disgraced and cast out of his tribe for lusting after Lana, the mate of the tribe's head muscle man, Atouk stumbles along gathering other misfits and...
This 51 minute documentary of the movie "Legend" can be found as an extra on the 2002 2-disc boxed-set 'Ultimate Edition' DVD release of "Legend"....
Creating a Myth... the Memories of 'Legend'
Lifepod cronicles the trip of eight passengers after the ship they were traveling on blew up on Christmas Eve. Immediately people start dying. The...
A small-town eccentric opens a café in her decaying home.
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
Sinbad returns from the sea to find his country subjected to the will of two unscrupulous sorcerers.
Sinbad of the Seven Seas
It's Christmas Eve and Judy Emerson is told there's no such thing as Santa. Determined to prove her family wrong, she sets an elaborate trap and...
The Santa Trap
Two investigative reporters track down reports of giant rats in a city sewer system.
Criminal Act
Based on the best-selling children's book, The Ruby Princess Runs Away is a fun-filled musical is packed with magical creatures, rollicking comedy,...
The Ruby Princess Runs Away
Facing eviction, the residents of a bohemian quarter of Portland, Oregon organize to collectively purchase a block of houses, only to get a crash...
A tabloid reporter and her new photographer, who've recently started working for the mayor of New York City, stumble upon evidence of conspiracy and...
Not for Publication
Santa Claus, Mickey Mouse and all his Disney pals star in an original movie about the importance of opening your heart to the true spirit of...
Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas