The heart wrenching drama of an only child, Chloe Hammond, who seeks a better life away from her drug addicted mother. The 11-year old soon finds...
Never Winter
Years after a patient killed himself under her care, a therapist finds herself reliving the case when a new patient with a similar condition asks for...
Patient Killer
A business woman who creates the perfect marriage proposals for wealthy men, becomes the target of a crazy client's obsession when she shows him...
Girlfriend Killer
After a corruption conspiracy leads to the cold-blooded murder of businessman Enrique Delavida. His son Manuel, swears to gain revenge on those who...
Amidst the Devil's Wings
A homeless ex-boxer and an inner-city kid's unlikely bond, helps them face their future, while fighting the tragedy from their past!
Shadow Fighter
Gary Hart, former Senator of Colorado, becomes the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1987. Hart's intelligence, charisma and...
The Front Runner