While his lonely wife yearns for his touch, disturbed husband Harry (Donny James Lucas) shuns her advances and throws his energy into his unusual...
Human Nature
HELL HATH NO FURY is the new film from Creepy Six Films (Vampires vs. Zombies; Human Nature), an independent horror film company based in Vancouver,...
Hell Hath No Fury
Carl, a man taught that life 'either likes you or hates you' has always thought life hated him.
Splendid Things
The estranged daughter (Lauren Lee Smith) of a recently deceased filmmaker gains a new understanding of her father when she offers to create a...
The arrival of a mysterious woman with a large sum of cash peaks detective Roddy Tillinghast. His financial woe's motivate him to the center of a...
The Hard Cut
A lesbian couple contemplating marriage and a family with a gay teen son taking in an unexpected visitor from the past find their lives not so far...
Floored by Love
Comedy short
Suite 48
An animation short
The Wonder
Post production
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What if a simple visit to the doctor became the ultimate showdown? DIRTY BILL OF HEALTH is an intriguing thriller with a hint of dark humor that...
Dirty Bill of Health