Almost all of the dialogue and narration is extracted from the original work, with only minor differences in the storyline as follows. Yashiro...
Official making-of documentary for Daigo Matsui's 2021 film Just Remembering.
Clinging to the Night
Official making-of documentary for Daigo Matsui’s 2017 film Ice Cream and the Sound of Raindrops.
First Kiss
Hiroshi Tsumabiki, a popular street musician, had a crush on him when he was in high school. One day, she brought the sound source to a man at a...
Utae! Love Song Furete G Kôdo
Hirayama is content with his life as a toilet cleaner in Tokyo. Outside of his structured routine, he cherishes music on cassette tapes, books, and...
Perfect Days
Set 3 years after the drama series. Kitano Yuichiro comes to give a lecture in the town where divorcee Sasamoto Sawa now lives quietly. The two meet...