Based on the infamous Great Emu War of 1932, THE EMU WAR follows a rag tag platoon of soldiers who are driven into a brutal and bloody battle...
The Emu War
Dougie Waters loves nothing more than a weekend barbie and cricket match with his mates. But his paradise on earth is destroyed when his best mate...
Backyard Ashes
A country football coach who has a plan to rebuild the local football team by recruiting recently settled asylum seekers.
The Merger
As musical theatre superstar Valerie Broom juggles her career, motherhood, and an ambitious understudy, the arrival of live-in nanny Grace disrupts...
All About Valerie
Acacia, 20, is in the midst of a messy break-up after cheating on her girlfriend. Since moving out of home three years earlier, she has grown apart...
Arms Unfolding