A lighthearted homage to 1930s movies, this short film depicts one day in the life of young American automobile designer Gordon Buehrig, who created...
No Trip for Biscuits
A gang of low-rent mob goons plot a heist, only to be forced to confront radioactive evil from beyond the grave.
Too Dead to Die
The crew of a popular ghost hunting show gets more than they bargained for when they come across a location that's actually haunted.
America's Most Haunted
The dead walk -- and are hungry. In one small Midwestern town, the residents have learned to cope as best they can. Meggie lost her husband, Quint,...
Fate has dealt Richard Vanuck a very strange hand; he's a natural born exorcist. In fact, he's the best there's ever been, and with possessions on...
Accidental Exorcist
Gary, and his friends who are into gaming, renaissance fairs and various unsavory vices, stumble across a rare, medieval board game called "13...
13 Demons
Trevor Newandyke is a struggling comedian. Not only does he bomb on stage, but he bombs in everyday life. He’s fed up with all the jerks who...
A womanizing man-child binges on sex and alcohol, experiments with ayahuasca for addiction therapy and comes to terms with past mistakes.
State of Modern Love
After two years in prison, John Spinelli is a free man. But as he grapples with his mad mix of macabre neighbors, John realizes something evil...
3:33 a.m.