A queer ghost story about love, loss, and connection, told through a darkly comedic lens. The ghosts trapped within the confines of an isolated...
The Jessica Cabin
A frustrated actor travels to Spain in search of a playwright, a trip that unexpectedly binds him to a group of five previously unconnected people.
The Wine of Summer
A little boy feels betrayed when his mother has another son and decides to give her a taste of her own medicine -- by summoning another mother.
The Arrival
Johnny, Elisabeth, and Ryan grew up best friends. Things change when Ryan asks Elisabeth to marry him, sending Johnny down a dangerous path.
Broken Dreams
Ted Morgan has been treading water for most of his life. After his wife leaves him, Ted realizes he has nothing left to live for. Summoning the...
Just Before I Go
Follow actor J Kimball as he researches what it's like to be old for a role in an upcoming movie. When he meets the residents at The Coconuts...
3 Geezers!