In the aftermath of the Great Plague and amidst the subsequent witch-hunts against women, a young widow grapples with the tragic death of her husband...
The Reckoning
An engaged Muslim doctor, her fiancé, and their friends go on a holiday at St. Joseph’s Guesthouse, unaware that it was the site of a...
The Haunting at Saint Joseph's
When a turbulent teen undergoes a traumatic experience, she must face her own violent bravado head-on. Oi explores the stigma around "catfights" and...
A group of friends go on a holiday to St. Joseph's Guesthouse, unaware that it was the site of accused witchcraft and a sacrifice of an innocent girl...
The Hanged Girl
Exploiting the allure of clout and celebrity, a successful YouTuber drives an up-and-coming vlogger to the brink of his physical and mental...
Content is King
Kabir, a 17-year-old teenage boy, is conflicted about his cultural identity and struggles with a language barrier when his Indian grandmother comes...
Hindi Vindi