The film revolves around Mr. Shastri, a retired Sanskrit professor who in due course suffers with Alzheimer's goes missing while travelling with his...
Astu - So Be It
George Reddy is a biopic based on the life of a student leader, boxer and Gold medalist, who influenced the politics of Andhra Pradesh state in...
George Reddy
In the year 2003, three teenagers: a cynical brat Adnan, an aspirational Chandrika, and a reticent Rathore come together to forge not just a...
Three Legged Horse
Bandya and his two companions are members of the Konkan-born Koli ethnic group. The three young people embark on a quest and encounter some obstacles...
A filmmaker visualizes a British Raj Prince tale. The tale concerns a Prince married to his mother's niece. The king comes to the court-singer,...
Baromas is a feature film in Hindi based on the Sahitya Academy award winning Marathi novel of the same name by Sadanand Deshmukh and directed by...
Twelve Months
Chaitanya comes to terms with his real mother and father, but it starts to cause a great rift between him and their son.
Naal 2
When Sukhatme's youngest son narrowly fails his entrance exams, the family are presented with a financial and moral conundrum.
Ha Bharat Maza
They seem to know each other like the back of their hands. Yet, there is something awkward about their relationship. Nikita finds even the most...
A biopic on Padmabhushan Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil who empowered the peasants with plow in one hand and pen in the other. A school dropout who...
A bus conductor from India and his family struggle to deal with a ridiculously large electricity bill they have been sent by mistake.
Ek Cup Chya
A young girl is forced to live apart from her family because of suspicions that she is a witch.
Pampered by his loving and caring parents, an eight-year-old boy's life takes a turn for the worse when he learns a hidden truth about himself. Soon,...
Neeraja has vitiligo, a skin disease that makes her a social outcast. She faces many challenges in her life but with her will power, she overcomes...
Crystal Clear
Shekhar and Jui are married for three years and are a relatively happy couple. Shekhar is a flautist and has a music assignment in France. Before...
Devrai depicts a story of a man who suffers from schizophrenia and is struggling to come to terms with his illness and the frustration of his...
The Sacred Grove