Embarking on an exciting journey, the Monica group encounters a series of eight enchanting stories, each unfolding within a short span of 2-8...
As Novas Aventuras da Turma da Mônica
Monica and her friends embark on exciting new adventures and games that are bound to captivate children of all ages. In one of the episodes, Jimmy...
Se Liga na Turma da Mônica, Vol. 2
Jimmy Five, armed with his extraordinary "super-hyper-wemote-contwol," is ready to entertain you with an array of movies! From thrilling horror tales...
Se Liga na Turma da Mônica, Vol. 1
Mônica's class left the comic to invade the video once again with new adventures that live up to the story that has been amusing different...
Cine Gibi 2
A Rádio do Chico Bento
Videogibi: O Mônico
Videogibi: O Plano Sangrento
While taking a walk, Chico Bento, a boor living in the backwoods of Brazil, tells his friend Zé Lelé and girlfriend Rosinha some...
Chico Bento, Óia a Onça!
Mônica, Cebolinha, Cascão and Magali give their testimonies about Christmas: what it means to them, how they celebrate and what they...
Turma da Mônica: O Natal de Todos Nós
Videogibi: A Ilha Misteriosa is a 1999 Brazilian animated film, based on the homonymous comic book by Mauricio de Sousa. It was distributed by...
Videogibi: A Ilha Misteriosa
Seeking a fresh and innovative experience, Franklin ventures into a novel approach to comic book reading—animated comics. To bring this idea to...
Cine Gibi: O Filme