While working a case as an interpreter, a hearing-impaired police detective must confront a group of criminals trying to eliminate a deaf murder...
The Silent Hour
Maxime is a hardened bachelor who takes advantage of his freedom and assumes to live without ties or children. He has finally agreed to help a couple...
Le furet
Teva Royer, a police lieutenant in Cayenne who is close to his feelings and without a filter, trusts his instincts blindly. Raised in a village in...
À l'instinct
Opening night in Bastia. Ezy Rippart, one of the leading actors of the show, shows up at the theatre terribly late after getting lost in the city in...
Run escapes... He just killed the Prime Minister of his country. In order to do so, he had to act as if he was a crazy man, wandering through the...
A disgruntled gas station attendant gets a visit from an abrasive party girl looking for justice.
The Gas Station
French border cop José Fernandez has just one last extradition to do before his long-awaited promotion to the crime bureau. But his detainee...
Last Call for Nowhere
Elijah must balance his dream of becoming a master sommelier with his father's expectations that he carry on the family's Memphis BBQ joint.
25 years of the life of Marie, a Parisian party girl, first teenager leaving her mother at 17, then short star of the song, and finally mother of a...
Rien dans les poches