After an unpleasant run-in with a group of bikers, a young convenience store robber (Marc) gets approached by the same bikers to help out with a...
In this belated sequel to 'The Decline of the American Empire', middle-aged Montreal college professor, Remy, learns that he is dying of liver...
The Barbarian Invasions
Marc-André is a well-ordered bank accountant. One day a naked young woman, Mirah, emerges from a sort of egg out of nowhere. She has time...
La dernière incarnation
Soho, an aspiring young woman of about 30, lives on the fringe with all those who, like her, believe that one day they will be a famous writer, a...
J'aime, j'aime pas
A teenage inmate's boxing skills land him in the middle of a turf war within prison walls.