The story follows Dawood, who wishes to don the cop uniform right from his childhood. He grows up to be a straight-laced, passionate policeman, who...
IDI: Inspector Dawood Ibrahim
"Homely Meals" is an entertainer starring Atlee Srindha Ashab, Manoj K. Jayan, Nedumudi Venu, Kailash, Sudheer Karamana, Joju, Neeraj Madhav and...
Homely Meals
Tom, a young auto mechanic falls in love with Diya whom he sees one day from the bus. The love got blossomed and at one point a psychopath named...
Ikkayude Shakadam is a film "of, for and by" the fans of Megastar Mammootty. An experimental fantasy-comedy, the movie is a heartfelt tribute one of...
Ikkayude Shakadam
Janazah is the story of a fantastical journey to death of the eighty-year-old, Gandharvan Haji. When he travels at night in the same deathbed where...