Prof. Henry Higgens takes a wager on turning a low class flower seller named Liesje Doeluttel into a presentably lady. Adaptation of Bernard Shaw's...
In 17th century Holland, a faction of royalists is scheming to restore the monarchy and jail the De Witt brothers, who control the Republic. At the...
The Black Tulip
Mobilization on the brink of the Second World War divides a husband and wife. When lawyer Frans van Loon is called up to join the mine clearance...
Somewhere in the Netherlands
This government commissioned film -- made on the occasion of the forty year anniversary of queen Wilhelmina's reign -- chronicles the lives of two...
Forty Years
The devil has arrived in Amsterdam, hell-bent on bombarding a poor girl, a wealthy banker and a young painter with great misfortune. This film is...
The Devil in Amsterdam