Directed by Edvin Laine and Viktor Tregubovich, Trust (1976) is a Finnish-Soviet historical drama film that follows the relations between Finland and...
The life of Irwin Goodman, a Finnish singer.
The Rose of the Rascal
Businessman Erkki Hakala returns to Ostrobothnia after years in Florida and buys a metal workshop in Jalasjärvi from the unknown Partanen...
Lakeuden kutsu
Marjut Rimminen's and Päivi Takala's animated film sheds light on childhood in post-war Finland. In it, an animated and documentary film...
Learned by Heart
A psychotherapist's life is wrecked when her private life is exposed in a sensation magazine.
When the Heavens Fall…
A fluid documentary in which director Luostarinen interviews fifty women on birth, body image, and the harshness of contemporary attitudes toward...
Gracious Curves
The twin sisters Helena and Irene are born in Helsinki during World War II. A few months later their mother, Sirkka, leaves the girls in the care of...
Through the eyes of two 12-year-old boys, the sexual revolution arrives in a conservative and religious small town in Northern Finland.
Star Boys
An existential road movie based on a novel of a key Finnish modernist writer.
Based on a true story about the so called 1932 Horse Rebellion in Nivala, Finland. The decision to put down a sick horse owned by a poor farmer rises...
An ageing wrestler and circus strongman is put in an institution located somewhere in a world of its own.
The Wrestler
Viltteri, a balding guy in his thirties living in rural northern Finland, is hopelessly clueless about his new role as a married man and the father...
The Wedding Waltz
Interwoven with scenes that are meant to grab attention by their stunning composition, this biographical look at Finland's violinist Arto Arsi is not...
Da Capo
Katri's husband has died in the Finnish Winter War. When the Continuation War begins, Katri volunteers to work in a Helsinki military hospital. She...
Little Sister