An emotionally challenged young man named Bobby runs away from home in order to escape his abusive stepfather who has killed his pets. He meets an...
All the Little Animals
Geraldine and her two daughters, Livvie and Angeline, are living rough on the streets on London. When their van blows up, they must find an...
The Greatest Store in the World
Fanny, born into a poor family, is sent away to live with wealthy uncle Sir Thomas, his wife and their four children, where she'll be brought up for...
Mansfield Park
Danielle, a vibrant young woman is forced into servitude after the death of her father when she was a young girl. Danielle's stepmother Rodmilla is a...
Two children in 1917 take a photograph, believed by some to be the first scientific evidence of the existence of fairies. Based on a true story
FairyTale: A True Story